Festival Bingo
An interactive experience that help guests explore all the BVW projects during the 2022 ETC Festival.
Role: Producer/ Designer/ Artist
Timeline: Nov. 2020 - Dec. 2022
The ETC Festival is an invitation-only event hosted at Carnegie Mellon University’s Entertainment Technology Center (ETC) where the projects, films, games and interactive experiences created by the student teams throughout the ETC are showcased in a carnival-like atmosphere.
Festival Bingo is an interactive experience to enhance guests’ experience during the ETC Festival. Guests visit the Festival Bingo Website through mobile phone, unlocking virtual items by searching password in physical project rooms and beating a virtual ghost all together.
On the day of the festival, an electronic ghost of negativity is born from the students' computer room, which does not want students to enjoy the festival with the players. The only way to defeat the ghost is to use the game core to purify it. The game cores are congealed from the hearts and minds of students betting on building game worlds, and they can only be obtained by experiencing these games, feeling and finding hidden clues in them. In order not to let ETC's important festival be destroyed, we must all work together to purify the evil ghosts!
Experience Name: Festival Bingo
Set: Entertainment Technology Center
Demographics: Guests of ETC festival
Length: 2 Hours
Team Member:
Producer/ Designer/ Artist - Randi Ouyang
Sound Designer/ Co-producer - Jason Lian
UI/UX Designer - Felicia Li
Backend Programmer - Patrick Cheng
- Jiajian Zhang
Frontend Programmer - Fanya Li
- Jerry Xie
- Ryan Yuan
Development Time: 4 Weeks
User Story
Open the website through scanning the QR code hanging on the wall.
Guest can discover and Navigate all the festival worlds on the website.
After experience each world.
Guest can look around the room and find out hidden password.
Using the password to collect game cores in the website.
Using the cores you collected to defeat the world boss with all the players at the same time in the website.
Guest can review the world they experienced in the website.
Guest can also go through worlds they haven’t been to and get more detail about them.
Experience Breakdown
Stage 1
Login & Intro
When guests enter the building, our team members will hand posters to each guest and invite them to start the experience. Once guests scan the QR code and login the website, they can view intro and tutorial to help them finish the experience.
Left: ETC entrance
Right: Poster
Stage 2
Search & Combat
In this stage, the Bingo website can navigate guests through the building and search for password from different project room. By collecting all the codes, guests can unlock corresponding game core. These game cores will show each game’s information to help guests know more about ETC students’ work. Also, they can be used in the boss battle to help save ETC.
Website Prototype
All the password are printed on paper and be hidden in every room’s decoration. Guests need to visit each room and experience the game world to find the password.
All the passwords are consist of the initials of the team members of the game. Password need to be input in corresponding game page to unlock game core. The guest also can gain two more game cores from those students’ game work which didn’t make it to present during festival.
Game core is designed based on the shape of floppy disk. Guests can view the detail including game name, platform and team member by checking game core they get in bag and library.
Guests can enter the battle field at any time through the icon appears on the main page of bingo website. Every time when guests use game core to beat the boss, the HP of the boss decreased. All the guests share the same process, which can let all the guests feel they are connecting together and making effort to achieve the same goal. The boss will be defeated at the end of the festival.
Final website pages
Stage 3
After the boss is defeated, the ending video will be play automatically on the website. The video shows the gratitude for going through the full experience to the guests. Guests at this stage can view all the game cores they got during the festival and take that as a great souvenir for the event.