Immie’s Treeland
an AR Experience that allows children to explore and decorate the environment, and collaborate with the characters.
Role: Concept Artist/Experience Designer/Physical Texture Artist
Timeline: Aug.2023 - Dec.2023
Immie’s Treeland is built by ARchiToys - a cross-functional team of programmers, designers and artists. It’s an augmented reality (AR) experience that allows players to collaborate, reward, and customize within the integrated environment. Player use our app to see the virtual creature Immie living on the physical toy tree. By collecting different interactive blocks and plug them onto the platforms on the tree, player can collaborate with Immies to finish different mini tasks and discover more about the Immies’ world.
For more information, please check out our website and presentation.
Target Audiences: 6-14 children
Platform: Android Phone
Team Member: Jiayu He / Targy Feng / Randi Ouyang / Yuxuan Wu
Player Core Experience
physical toys + AR app = Immie’s Treeland
Combining the physical toy as environment and put virtual creatures in it to play with you. The main purpose of building Immies’ Treeland is to push the boundary of combing physical and virtual world. Players can play with the virtual creatures as their partners but don’t need to worry about taking care of the creatures as their pets. At the same time, player can touch and interact with the physical toy to affect how virtual creatures move around which enhance the AR experience and bring more realistic and magical feeling into the experience.
For the further commercial plan, we build the Collaborate-Reward-Customize cycle to give the players more motivation to make the experience a long-term experience.
Allow players to engage in the virtual world and build connection with the Immies
Reward players when succeed to finish the mini tasks with Immies in interactive blocks
Players use the rewards they gained to feed Immies and improve their living condition in the way they like
Physical toys
Physical toys including the base tree and interactive blocks.
Base Tree
Base tree is the starter kit for player, Immies live here. By having the base tree, players can have 6 platforms for plugging in the interactive blocks. Players can build on the tree virtually and do simple interaction with Immies here.
Interactive Blocks
The core concept of having interactive blocks is to enhance the immersive experience by offering intense collaborative interactions. Once interactive blocks are plugged into the platform, our app will know its place and player can unlock corresponding interaction.
Dragon Block
An ancient fortress abundant with treasures that held the promise of a better life for the Immies. However, a vigilant dragon perpetually emerges to safeguard the wealth.
Final Product
Mushroom Block
The Immie orchestra love singing in tune with the captivating music produced by these whimsical mushrooms.
Final Product
Trampoline Block
There are Spidies living in a farmland collecting fruits into the box. Immeis leap into action as fruits are tossed into the air, skillfully altering their trajectory to ensure a precise landing inside the box.
Final Product
AR App
Player interact with the treeland by walking around and finish aim&tap interaction in app.
Walk Around
Players can only zoom in & zoom out physically which encourage them move around the tree and interact with the complicated crossing structure. The physical toy can also help player navigate their movement during view the AR world through their tiny phone screen.
Aim & Tap
To reduce the learning cost and keep the consistency, we design the global interaction rule as aim & tap in the AR app. Player can finish most interaction with this method.
The 3D cursor sitting at the center of the screen can help player easily find out which target they are going to interact with in this complicated physical structure.
By tapping the button player can finish the corresponding activity. This button means different interaction in different situation. For example, when you are aiming at the dragon in the dragon block, you can tap to fire. When you are aiming an Immie on the tree, you can tap to pick it up.
Using this global interaction rule, we develop different gameplay for different interactive blocks.
Demo videos